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Medi-Cal Coverage for Undocumented Young Adults

Governor Gavin Newsom’s proposed budget for 2020-2021 has included Medi-Cal coverage for eligible seniors regardless of immigration status!

Our community members have fought for #Health4All, and knew first hand what the impacts are for friends and family that have had to go without health coverage. Lyzzeth Mendoza, the Community Engagement and Policy Associate for IC4IJ had this to share:

“The Governor’s effort to include all income-eligible Californians up to age 26 into Medi-Cal mirrors what can become a reality for many more people including undocumented elders. Our communities need inclusive and dignified policies to thrive. We’ve waited a long time to cover all seniors regardless of immigration status. The Inland Empire applauds the efforts taking place as we kick off 2020.”

-Lyzzeth Mendoza, Community Engagement and Policy Associate

Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice

If you or someone you know needs support to apply for Medi-Cal you may use the clinic locator to find the nearest location that may assist you.

Please visit the California Health Plus clinic finder for the locations. 

For more information on the expansion from the department of healthcare services please click here.


Frequently Asked Questions:

Will receiving Medi-Cal make me a “public charge”?

○ Because the Medi-Cal expansion for young adults is state-funded and not federally funded, it is NOT counted in the public charge test .

(The expanded public charge rule will be effective beginning Feb. 24, 2020.)

○ If you are an undocumented young adult up to age 26, you may check your eligibility using this link to the chart from the California Immigrant Policy Center.

○ To find an immigration legal services provider who can help you assess whether public charge might impact you for reasons other than the Medi-Cal young adult expansion, please contact our partners:

San Bernardino Community Services Center,

Phone: (909) 885-1992 | Email:

How do I enroll in Medi-Cal?

○ Submit a new application: DHCS has a step-by-step guide, including links to the paper and online application.

○ Find a local health center that can help you enroll in Medi-Cal: Please visit the California Health Plus clinic finder for the locations. 

○ For help with the Medi-Cal eligibility rules, call the Health Consumer Alliance at 888-804-3536

What types of medical services will be covered?

○ General medical care

○ Family planning

○ Dental health services

○ Mental health services

○ Alcohol and drug treatment services

○ Prescription drugs

○ …and more

When you are ready to enroll you may need theses documents (if you have them

A. Proof of Identity (for example, photo ID, passport, consular ID, or driver’s license) 

B. Proof of Household Income (for example, current pay stub or IRS Form 1040) 

C. Medi-Cal Renewal Form (if applicable)
It is okay if you do not have these documents. 


Enrolling in Medi-Cal means you will have access to health services for FREE or at low cost, including preventive services – like annual check-ups, dental and vision care, and medication. Get more information and free confidential help Apply at your local clinic or with a community organization. To get help, go to: under the find my health+ center The documents you may need to enroll (if you have them) A. Proof of Identity (for example, photo ID, passport, consular ID, or driver’s license) B. Proof of Household Income (for example, current pay stub or IRS Form 1040) C. Medi-Cal Renewal Form (if applicable)
It is okay if you do not have these documents. Get help to figure out the information you need. Questions about your immigration status and accessing healthcare? Contact an immigration advocate for free and confidential help in your area by visiting:


Information provided by: California Immigrant Policy CenterProtecting Immigrant Families