NPR: Shocking Security footage show GEO officers use chemical agents, violently attack asylum seekers
IC4IJ denounces the use of chemical substances against immigrant detainees & continued excessive use of force by GEO officers
Adelanto, CA – Yesterday, NPR released video footage of GEO guards pepper spraying and brutally attacking immigrants held in detention who were peacefully and visibly sitting down. The footage is graphic and the disproportionate response is in line with complaints advocates have heard from people detained in the Adelanto Detention Center for several years.
Javier Hernandez, Director at the Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice issued the following statement:
“Human rights violations are occuring in GEO facilities. This video is proof of what we have been saying for years. This video was obtained after major litigation and lawsuits, it gives light into the incidents that they’ve been hiding and refusing to show to the public.”
“This security footage disproves recent statements from GEO officers and Executives speaking to the treatment of asylum seekers. This company refuses to comply with evidence and is attempting to circumvent the law in order to keep their profits.”
“We must continue seek justice for victims of the continuous abuses of GEO group and the complicity of ICE.”
“In the video we see asylum seekers peacefully sitting down followed by GEO officers beat them, utilize chemical agents on them and drag them through the floor. It is shameful that this facility is still allowed to exist under the inhumane treatment against asylum seekers and refugees.”
“The Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice continues to fight for the closure of the detention center, we hope the City of Adelanto sees this as confirmation to the testimonies shared by asylum seekers who have been held under these conditions. Adelanto should stand with immigrants and for human rights and stop GEO’s efforts to expand & illicitly modify their contracts.”
Excerpts from NPR:
“In the early morning of June 12, 2017, a group of eight Central American migrants decided to go on a hunger strike to protest conditions at the immigration detention center where they were being held in California.”
“…they lacked access to clean water, the bonds for their immigration cases were too expensive and they were receiving information only in English.”
“…facility staff caused the disturbance by escalating the situation and using more force than necessary.”
“one of the detainees broke his nose and had his tooth knocked out”
For more information on #ShutdownAdelanto #CommuniyNotCages campaign, please visit