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First Graduates of Emprendedor@s Program that offers tools and funds for small businesses and entrepreneurs in the region

Press Release

For Immediate Release //

August 26, 2021

Contact: tamara@ic4ij, (562) 212-2664

First Graduates of Emprendedor@s Program that offers tools and funds for small businesses and entrepreneurs in the region

San Bernardino, CA – On Thursday, August 26th, the Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice (ICIJ) and Asociación de Emprendedor@s will have their Emprendedor@s Program Graduation. 24 have been attending an eight-week program where they have learned how to apply for business licenses, expand their business, and be successful entrepreneurs. Upon graduation, these small businesses will have an opportunity to apply for micro-grants up to $7,500. The micro-grants will help with equipment tools, licenses, and training.

Veronica Roman, entrepreneur of San Bernardino and participant of the program stated that “During this program, we have been learning about the resources available for small businesses and entrepreneurs like us. I learned about the structure of a business and how to keep growing as an entrepreneur. This program gave us the skills to get our permit and how to be successful. We will all continue with the skills that were taught, get our permits, and keep growing our small businesses.”

Lyzzeth Mendoza, Policy Director at the Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice issued the following statement: 

I am excited to see what the near future and long-term results will be for micro-entrepreneurs who have benefited from this program. I hope more street vendors and micro kitchen operators enroll in this program and apply for these micro-grants. Their participation will show elected leaders the value of micro-entrepreneurs in the inland region.”

Monica Robles, Founder and President of Asociación de Emprendador@s stated the following: 

The Emprendedor@s Program educates, empowers, and develops the leadership and business skills of small businesses in the Hispanic community. This Emprendedor@s Program has become fundamental for our participants because it takes an integral approach to business and entrepreneurship. We are very happy to graduate 24 new Emprendedor@s and are looking forward to continuing our alliance with ICIJ, bringing hope and education to our street vendors in the Counties of Riverside and San Bernardino, CA.”
